sábado, 4 de abril de 2020


edited by: javierini
testbuilder: PatrykGPL
pages: 4
parts: 28
height: 200
width: 188
depth: 141
model medium
Marshtomp es un Pokémon de tipo agua/tierra introducido en la tercera generación. Es la evolución de Mudkip, un Pokémon inicial que pueden elegir los entrenadores que empiezan una aventura en la región Hoenn.Su nombre proviene de las palabras en inglés marsh (pantano) y stomp (pisotón)

3 comentarios:

  1. Finally a MARSHTOMP!! ˋ﹏ˊ
    It's cool.. I'm a big fan of you since ever, I really love yr works.
    Yr incredible making any model ,so amazing. (^-^)
    There're some models I've been searching for since really long without any use,either mostly the links are dead,or the model's not elaborated ,unfortunately.! ~T_T~
    I wish yu can make the next possible, anytime yu can of course!

    Thanks a lot, no matter what. (o_-)

  2. Where can we find the template sir? Iam a big fun doing that😣

    1. Which one exactly?
      If it's Marshtomp itself, maybe yu just didn't notice the DOWNLOAD button right below the image!
      If else, just search it or request it if it's not there anyhow.
      Just wanted to help somehow.
